The Contacts helps you store all necessary information about companies or individuals whom you are dealing with or who represent some interest to you. Only you or some authorized employees have access to the information stored in program database. Now you have all information you need: To find a company or a person by phone number or vice versa? It will take you just a couple of seconds.
- To find a list of your clients in a particular city or your domestic and foreign suppliers? Do it by one mouse click.
- To send a new price list to three hundred of your regular customers and personally address to everyone of them? This operation will require only some minutes of your time.
- To view the lists of your new customers for this month? No problem
- To set a task to your employees and track its implementation? Nothing can be easier.
There are many other small useful features in our program:
- It stores all history of your business relations with a client including all incoming and outgoing correspondence;
- Printing of lists, labels, envelopes with a recipient and your return addresses;
- Automatic e-mail or fax distribution, creation of templates for regular mail distribution; Automatic import of contact information from other sources;
- And many other features;